The 'WAC BBS' was in operation 24/7 from March 1, 1991 until February 1998

Then life and the internet sort of got in the way.

Most recently I started working/running it again at the beginning of May 2022.


The 'WAC BBS'  currently provides support for the Apple // series

computers. The //, //+, //e, //c, //c+, and the //gs are all supported


     Owners of other computer types are allowed access. I don't have any

files in the transfer sections specifically for IBM, Commodore, Tandy, Timex,

NeXT, or any other non Apple computer, But the forums and games, etc. are

open to everyone for good conversation and fun.


The internet has pretty much killed the file section anyway, however...

I have started adding some classic mac files just for fun. (Lib #35)


I plan on restoring and adding more files to the xfer section even though

the internet has taken over. After all, for nostalgia sake, that's what a

good BBS was all about.


     All users wishing to become validated users should leave a note to

the sysop requesting validation. I'll validate you any way, but it might faster if I see I have requests.

If you don't ask to be validated your user record will be eventually

be deleted and reassigned.


     All users should call at least once every 90 days or so to keep your

user ID active. All users ID's not used in a 90 day period are deleted

and reassigned. (With how few users we have, this is no longer true)



The history of the WAC BBS is pretty important to me, it was a huge part

of youth. Luckily back then, I chronicled the updates as I went along.

I see no reason to change my habits 30 years later.

It's nostalgic for sure, hopefully it brings back memories for some of you..

Here is the original 'About Us' from back in the day, with a few tweaks

as I have put the BBS back online in 2022.



     The 'WAC BBS' is currently being run on the following system:


Apple //gs ROM 03 with 7 megs RAM and a TranswarpGS running at 6.2 Mhz,

An Apple SCSI card with a BlueSCSI attached (6-32meg images)

Also installed are a 3.5" Superdrive and a FloppyEMU, and a CFFA3000.


A UPS keeps the system powered up in case of electrical failures.


The software is Warp6 version 4.0 by Jim Ferr, Scott Johnson & Paul Lee

(With a few custom mods!)


Many upgrades to the components of this system have been planned and

carried out over the years and more will be possible with your support.


1) Larger capacity hard drives as needed. (Sider 10meg -- March 1, 1991)

   (DIY 42meg HD -- May 5, 1991) (DIY 62meg HD -- March 1, 1993)

   (DIY 82meg HD -- March 25, 1994) (100+megs -- July 1, 1994)

   (200meg Focus Internal drive -- Aug 19,1996).

   (BlueSCSI with gigs of theoretical space -- May 2022)



2) Higher speed modems as they become readily available and accepted

   to the general Apple // community. (1200 bps -- March 1, 1991)

   (2400 bps -- April 15, 1991) (14400 bps -- October 15,1993)

   (Wimodem232 for access via the internet - May 2022)

   (Switched to Raspberry Pi - June 25 2022 for better speeds)



3) An Accelerator card for faster running of the BBS itself/or

   possibly a faster computer like a //gs with an accelerator.

   (Apple //e -- March 1, 1991) (Apple //GS -- December 22, 1992)

   (TranswarpGS 6.2Mhz -- June 16, 1994)

   (32K cache memory upgrade to the TWGS -- July 30, 1995)

   (14Mhz upgrade to the original TWGS -- October 30,2022)

  --> Let me know if 14Mhz is fast enough or if I should upgrade it.;) <--



4) APC Personal Powercell UPS (July 20, 1994)

   (And many other UPS units since the 1st one, too numerous to list)



5) CD-ROM online with Public domain software - (currently failed & offline)



6) Warp6 BBS software upgrades as they are made available.

   I started with one of the shareware versions.I sent a check to Jim Ferr.

   I can't remember the fee but it seems like it was $100, IDK-someone

   remind me how much it was?

   We started at v6.2 in 1991, v6.4, v6.5, v7, v7.6, v7.8, 8, v8.2, v8.4

   v8.7, PD versions 2.0, v2.2, v2.4, v2.5(1998)

   Currently running Public Domain v3.0 (May 2022)



7) (I'll just leave this for a good laugh)

   Probably the most expensive updates are new files for the transfer

   section. Most new software is acquired via online systems such as

   Compuserve and America Online. As you probably know the connect rates

   to these systems average around $6.00 per hour so if you belong to any

   of these systems and you download from them regularly, help me share

   the cost by uploading some of the stuff here. Also if you have any

   other "Public Domain", "Freeware" or "Shareware" software that you

   wish to upload please feel free to do so.

   (Like I said, add 30'ish years and the internet changed things a bit.)



*** NOTE *** (standard disclaimer in the 80's-90's)


     The 'WAC BBS' DOES NOT support pirated software.(lol)

Your access will be denied if this policy is not adhered to

I think it's all been released to PD now so it's pretty much wide open.




** My thanks to the following people for their support:**


Jim Ferr, Lawrence Tucker, Eric Patterson, Bill Reynolds

Frans Geerlings, Steve Flippin, Steve Boggs, David Ritchey, Ken Gagne

and Scott Johnson - for keeping Warp Six alive and allowing me to help

with new versions, beta testing and writing docs, etc.


** My special thanks goes to the following for their financial ($$) support:


Kermit Lisle, David Weiss, Paul Hanley, WAC Inc.


They have helped the 'WAC BBS' to be a better place for Apple // users.


Updated June 2022